Unexplained loss of muscle mass - Hormone Wellness Clinic

Unexplained loss of muscle mass, also known as cachexia, is a complex metabolic disorder characterized by involuntary weight loss, muscle wasting, fatigue, weakness, and a significant loss of appetite. Cachexia differs from starvation, age-related loss of muscle mass, or simple wasting away in that it involves a number of complicating host factors that contribute to severe wasting. Some potential causes of cachexia include:

Diagnosis is made based on symptoms, labs showing high inflammatory markers, low muscle mass on imaging, and ruling out other causes. Treatment focuses on addressing any underlying disease, providing nutritional support, exercise, and medications that may help counter muscle wasting. For some patients, hormone replacement with testosterone or anabolic steroids may be beneficial. At Hormone Wellness Clinic Health Clinic, our physicians are experts in evaluating unexplained muscle wasting and cachexia. We provide comprehensive lab testing to assess hormone levels, inflammation, and markers of muscle breakdown. Based on the causes we uncover, we create tailored treatment plans that may include customized nutrition advice, pharmaceutical-grade supplements, prescription medications as needed, and follow-up care to help our patients regain strength and muscle mass. Don't wait - if you are experiencing unexplained muscle loss, schedule a consultation today to start getting answers and solutions from the hormone health experts. We are here to help you regain your vitality!

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