Mood swings - Hormone Wellness Clinic

What are mood swings?

Mood swings are sudden, unpredictable shifts in our emotional state that can go from feeling down and sad one moment to feeling energetic and happy the next. They involve rapid changes in our mood that are often exaggerated compared to our typical emotional responses.

Some key facts about mood swings:

What causes mood swings?

There are a variety of potential causes behind mood swings:

How to manage mood swings

If you experience frequent or extreme mood swings that disrupt your daily life, there are ways to minimize their impact:

The hormone specialists at Hormone Wellness Clinic can provide individualized care to analyze hormonal causes of mood swings and create customized treatment plans involving hormone balancing, supplements, diet and nutrition advice, stress reduction techniques, and more. Contact us today to learn more about our holistic services for regulating mood.

In summary, mood swings involve rapid emotional shifts triggered by various factors from hormones and stress to medical conditions. While occasional mood swings are normal, frequent or extreme changes in mood may require evaluation and treatment. Lifestyle adjustments, hormone balancing under medical supervision, therapy, and medication can help minimize the frequency and intensity of mood swings.

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